Skills, like bagpipe playing, need practice and management!  We are in the process of building a simple skills portfolio management tool that will allow users to create their own “Job Descriptions” from the library of skills, then self-assess their competence using an industry-standard competence analysis framework.  This tool will provide individuals with a means to manage their skills portfolio, look for gaps and identify areas for future training and skills development.  The GeoSkills App will be link directly to the courses being offered through the GeoLumina Moodle Virtual Learning Environment.

We also hope to use the tool in team-building and Project-Based, On-The-Job Training Programmes, as a means to assess initial competences and competence development through the training programme.

We are also keen to develop the tool as a means for students to assess what the various roles in the industry comprise, and what skills are needed.  The Roles described by the Job Descriptions in GeosSkills will also be tied to the roles in the Geolumina Oil Industry Workflow.

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