GeoLumina is the culmination of Greg spending 15 years wondering if training could be more effective and more fun for everybody!
GeoLumina is whatever we make it, but it should be these things:
- GeoLumina is a collaborative workspace for like-minded geoscientists to share training resources with each other and with the geoscience community at large. By leveraging the wisdom of the crowd we can achieve far more, with less effort, than we would working on our own.
- “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”
- The key-words are collaboration, cooperation, coordination, cocreation, transparency, honesty, sharing
- But, it does not exclude you from pursuing your own business interests!
- GeoLumina is not a “get-rich-quick” initiative (although we want to make a living). It is all about:
- Creating a mutually beneficial working environment that benefits rather than exploits our colleagues and clients.
- It is a place where people who like working together can work together, doing what they enjoy doing.
- It is a platform for GeoScience trainers to use to deliver their online courses:
- Course creators will retain ownership of their courses.
- Courses will be promoted on the GeoLumina website (and through several strategic partner training service providers).
- There will be a “shop-front” for eLearning courses on the Geolumina website where individual clients can buy online courses.
- The eLearning courses will be delivered to paying clients through a Moodle Learning Management system.
- GeoLumina eLearning course materials can also be used in the classroom as part of a Flipped Classroom or as part of Project-Based On-The-Job Training programmes. The aim is for GeoLumina to be a “lending library” of course materials, allowing all contributors to use training resources in the system for their classroom-based courses. However, any GeoLumina training resources that are used will generate an income stream for the owners (~royalties), irrespective of who delivers the course.
- GeoLumina aims to create its own competence framework using a GeoLumina App called Geoskills. GeoSkills will enable the following:
- A clear definition of the knowledge-based and skill-based competencies required to be a petroleum geoscientist.
- The ability to define job descriptions based on those competences.
- The ability for subscribed users to monitor their competence development and identify their training needs.
- Clear links to modular training resources for each knowledge-based and skill-based competence.
- The aim is therefore to modularise the GeoLumina courses in such a way that the course modules can mapped directly onto GeoSkills competencies.
- GeoSkills is therefore acting as a marketing tool, driving subscribers through to our training courses.
- GeoLumina course modules should include:
- Knowledge-based materials
- Presentations and videos
- Quiz banks to test knowledge
- Quizzes which are used for formative learning by eLearners (testing themselves)
- Quizzes may also be used in pre-course and post-course evaluations in the classroom
- Skill-based materials
- Presentations and videos
- Exercises to test application
- Exercises which are used for formative learning by eLearners (testing themselves)
- Exercises may also be used as practical exercises in the classroom
- Knowledge-based materials
The key is to create focused, shared training resources which can be delivered through efficient, training models, which are outlined in the posts below.
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